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2) Importance of Employee Motivation

Importance of Employee Motivation

Why Employee Motivation should be the first concern in Organizations?

Despite the fierce competition in today's globalized business environment, an organization's purpose is to survive while improving on its own to thrive toward the organization's mission, enabling and sustaining the success of the organization (Harris 2001). As per Chandrakant (2017) adaptability is the key to survival, and competitive advantage is the requirement for success, both of which can only be achieved via the use of an organization's effective and efficient human resources. As a result, it is advisable that workers are the assets that businesses rely on to maintain a competitive advantage.

According to Loan, Larisa, and George (2013), the Hawthorne experiments were the first step, which demonstrated that employees' work is impacted by their views in addition to the money they are paid. This concept demonstrated that people are occupied with their employment not because they want to, but because they have to. This environment results in poor performance, low participation, and a lack of cooperation with the organization, all of which contribute to a negative work environment (Chandrakant, 2017). Employees are dissatisfied with their employment as a result of a lack of motivation (Ioan, Larisa & George, 2013). 

As mentioned above motivation is an art that enables an organization to derive the action that it requires through behavioral changes in employees in accordance with their satisfaction of interests (Ioan, Larisa & George, 2013). This leads to work satisfaction and staff engagement, which boosts the organization's performance and propels it to greater heights (Vinay, 2014).

In general, performance may be defined as the combination of ability and willingness (Vinay, 2014). The talents relate to the wide collection of personal qualities that employees possess, such as knowledge, skills, abilities, and attitudes that differ from one another (Sarah et al, 2007). If the employees are willing to do so, these elements will encourage the organization. To prepare an employee to provide willingness is to make him feel better, comfortable, and satisfied with the interest he expects from his employment (Masooma, Rifat & Fatima, 2014). Which basically implies motivation, which leads to job satisfaction.

Richard Branson stated, “Create your own company team; business survival necessitates a synergy of skills,” It is critical for a leader/manager to develop a group of capable people, and then to utilize motivational techniques to retain and extract the excellence of personnel in order to align with plans to achieve corporate goals (Datuk, 2018).

According to Linda Naiman (2018) “An organization's economic future is dependent on its capacity to produce wealth through encouraging Innovation and Creativity,” Employees would be thankful towards to a correctly suggested incentive approach.

1) A higher level of dedication.

2) The ability to take on challenges in the face of uncertainty.

3) Increased productivity and performance efficiency and effectiveness.

4) A stress-free working atmosphere.

5) New creative concept initiatives.

6) Organizational goals and objectives are met.

7) Low Employee turnover (Enables to retain trained employees).

8) A steady workforce.

9) A clear Pathway for the organization, with a shared vision (2017, Chandrakant).

Person interest varies from one employee to a another, and it is not limited to monetary incentives but also includes non-monetary rewards. Division managers play a critical role in detecting employee interest (Amit, 2017). We may categorize incentives into a variety of categories, which we will explore in more detail in future posts. The sense of belonging to the company is a basic example of non-monetary benefits. Personalized comments from top management for an individual seeking such attention would have a significant impact on his performance. As a result, it is the line manager's job and talent to recognize the employee's interest as well as their capacity to provide an appropriate incentive approach (Ovidiu, 2013). It is also critical that senior management be involved in and pay attention to these HR motivating choices, which may have a significant impact on organizational productivity, rather than wasting hours in meetings with disengaged staff (Chandrakant, 2017).

At least one-third of an employee's day is spent at work, therefor a well-implemented motivation approach helps a person to feel involved, as though the job isn't simply a job, but a way of life. According to Amit (2017), who surveyed 1600 workers of an Indian firm, when their incentive system is properly described to them with transparency and a career advancement opportunity is provided, 70% of the employees feel appreciated and respected. The author also stated that 44% of employees were happy with their frequent incentives and recognitions. Salary raises, difficult job profiles, flexibility, and decision-making authority are among the incentives highlighted by employees, with pay raises accounting for 37 percent of the total. These findings demonstrate how motivational variables can influence employee happiness, resulting in increased performance.

On the other side, according to Robyn (2014)'s research, just 15% of employees throughout the world are engaged in their employment, which is a very negative indicator. This stresses the importance of motivation, which is now lacking, in generating employee willingness to bring forth their greatest talents and dedication. As a result, a stress-free work atmosphere with highly engaged personnel would emerge, resulting in a win-win situation. Over the next blogs, we'll look at some of the most well-known motivational ideas and how they may help organizations to enhance their overall performance.


Naiman  L. 2018. Design Thinking As a  Strategy  Forinnovation


Innovatiamit, S. (2017) Employee Motivation: A Study On Modern Workplace Motivation.  International Journal Of Engineering Sciences &Management Research, 4(4), Pp. 68 – 77.


Chandrakant, V. (2017) Importance Of Employee Motivation & Job Satisfaction For Organizational Performance. International Journal Of Social Science & Interdisciplinary Research, 6(2), Pp. 10 - 20.


Datuk, M.Z.S.S. (2018) Impact Of Employee Motivation On Work Performance. International Journal Of Scientific And Research Publications, 8(3), Pp. 295 – 308.


Harris-Foster, P. F., 1999. Human Resourse Management, s.l.: s.n.


Ioan, M. A., Larisa, D. And George, B. (2013) The Importance Of Employee Motivation To Increase Organizational Performance. Annales Universitatis Apulensis Series Oeconomica, 15(2), Pp. 685 – 691.


Naiman  ‬L. 2018. Design Thinking As a  ‬Strategy  ‬For ‬‬‬‬Innovation‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬


Masooma, J., Rifat, B. And Fatima, H. (2014) Determinants Of Job Satisfaction And Its Impact On Employee Performance And Turnover Intentions. International Journal Of Learning & Development, 4(2), Pp. 120 – 140.


Ovidiu, I. D. (2013) Employee Motivation And Organizational Performance. Review Of Applied Socio- Economic Research, 5(1), Pp. 53 – 60.


Sarah, M. A., Lea, W., Jon. P. B. And Douglas, T.H. (2007) Employability During Unemployment: Adaptability, Career Identity And Human And Social Capital. Journal Of Vocational Behavior, 71(2), Pp.247 – 264.


Robyn, R. (2014) 5 Ways To Improve Employee Engagement Now. Gallup.Analytics & Advice About Everything That Matters [Online]. Available At: <Https://Www.Gallup.Com/ Workplace/231659/Performance-Measures-Motivate-Madden-Employees.Aspx >.[Accessed On 25th July 2021].


Vinay, C.G. (2014) Motivation In The Workplace To Improve The Employee Performance. International Journal Of Engineering Technology, Management And Applied Sciences, 2(6), Pp. 221 – 230.


  1. Hi Nadee, I agree with you. Motivation is very important because if a person is not focused well on their job, the result will decline in productivity and effectiveness. Therefore, motivation is equally important for both individuals and organizations. Motivated individual is an essential factor that encourages a person to achieve a personal goal, on the other hand, motivation will result of an employee satisfaction with an organization (Nguyen, 2017). The more motivated the employees are, the more contribution they bring, hence the more profitable and successful is the business (MSG Experts 2017).

    1. Agreed with your views on Employee Engagement. Employee engagement is critical to any organization. Deci and Ryan conducted the most influential study on employee engagement in 1985 (Berens, 2013). Deci and Ryan (1985) expanded on early work by differentiating between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. Competence, autonomy, and psychological relatedness which are psychological needs, motivate the individual to initiate behavior

  2. Well discussed Nadeeka. Above your view, Chiradeep (2020) also explains that employee engagement and employee satisfaction are two different things where satisfaction refers to a state of contentment with regard to the job role while engagement refers to the purpose and passion for work with the self-Investment. The author also makes it a point to highlight that Job satisfaction is the foundation to build the employee engagement.

    1. Dear Danushka, Thank you for commenting and in addition of that, this the reason the management has to implement different motivation factors to increase their productivity to achieve the company objectives and goals (Dugguh, 2014). So motivation and performance of the employees are essential tools for the success of any organization in the long run with expected profits ( Naseem, 2011). These cultural aspects of the workplace make an excellent morale raising investment in the staff and the business and strive to maintain an enjoyable, family-orientated atmosphere in which all employees focus on achieving the company goals (Yousaf,, 2014).

  3. Yes, totally agreed with your argument. Motivation has positive relationship with job satisfaction of employees which makes positive attitude and positive feeling of the employees (Armstrong, 2010). As per the scientific research outcomes, it has emphasized that money as the fundamental factor in motivating the industrial workers to attain greater productivity (Abadi, et al, 2011). The motivation can be permanently approached in specialty works, discussed and analyzed thought seminar and formal meetings(Achim et al, 2013).

    1. Thanks for your valuable feedback on the captioned topic Thushari, As you correctly mentioned Job satisfaction is the foundation to build the employee engagement in any organization. In addition to that Engaged Employees will deliver higher levels of Customer Service, Experience greater levels of satisfaction, Employees work more productively and improve the bottom-line performance of the organization. There’s a direct linkage to productivity, customer engagement, quality, retention, safety, and profit through employee engagement (Khan, 2013).

  4. According to Pfeffer (2018), stress-driven employees behaviors affect the organization's productivity. Nowadays, "US employers nearly $200 billion every year in healthcare costs", Motivations is an essential tool for overcoming and sustaining to org.

    1. Well discussed Amila. Adding further to your view, Engaged employees are the workers who has a profound connection to their organization with the sense of willingness, which causes an organizational performance improvement with creativity and innovation (John, 2009). The author further states that such employees can go an extra mile in achieving something, without constraining themselves with the job description.

  5. According to the research done by Perumal (2008), there is an association between employee motivation and employee demographics such as gender, age, race, and organizational level. Strombeck & Wakefield (2008) explain that motivation is dependent upon the individual and the situation.

    1. I agree with you Nuwan, According to the CIPD (2012: 13): ‘Engagement has become for practitioners an umbrella concept for capturing the various means by which employers can elicit additional or discretionary effort from employees – a willingness on the part of staff to work beyond contract.

  6. Agreed with you. Having a bunch of highly motivated employees, is an invaluable asset. As per Claire Woodbridge ( 2020), motivated employee brings enthusiasm, energy level, commitment & creativity to organization every day.

    1. Well discussed Menaka. According to Richman (2006 ), recent studies have shown that high employee engagement translates into increased discretionary effort, increased productivity and lower employee turnover, as well as increased customer satisfaction and loyalty, profitability and corporate shareholder value.

  7. YES. Every successful organization is backed by a committed employee base, and the commitment is the outcome of motivation and job satisfaction. It is the energy that compels employees towards organizational objective. It would be impossible for the organization to generate performance without commitment. In order to create a competitive advantage organization need to have a competitive employee policies and practices

    1. I agree with you Chandana, According to Truss et al (2006: ix) stated that: ‘Put simply, engagement means feeling positive about your job.’ They went on to explain that: ‘The engaged employee is the passionate employee, the employee who is totally immersed in his or her work, energetic, committed and completely dedicated’ (ibid: 1).

  8. I agreed Nimna also according to Macey et al (2009: 7) who defined engagement as an individual’s purpose and focused energy, evident to others in the display of personal initiative, adaptability, effort and persistence directed towards organizational goals.

  9. According to Irum S. et el. (2014) Employee motivation is very important for organizations as every concern requires physical, financial and human resources to accomplish the goals

    1. I agreed with you an in addition of that Employee engagement is the emotional commitment the employee has to addict the organization and its goals. This emotional commitment means engaged employees highly care about their work and the goals their company. This emotional commitment means engaged employees actually care about their work and their company. They don't work just for a paycheck, or just for the next promotion, but work on behalf of the organization's goals. But. Employee engagement does not mean the employee happiness of working or the employee satisfaction levels of working. Someone might be happy or satisfying at work, but that doesn't necessarily mean they are working hard, productively accurate on behalf of the organization ( Macey and Schneider,2008).

  10. Agree with you. To achieve its objectives, every business requires physical, financial, and people resources. Human resources can be used to their greatest potential only if they are motivated. This can be accomplished by instilling in employees a desire to work. This will assist the company in ensuring the greatest possible resource usage (Solomon, R. L. 1980).

    1. Agree with you Menupa, as Whittington and Galpin (2010) suggested “organizations must create work environments that provide a sense of challenge and meaningfulness for employees”


  11. I agree with what you've said. In fact, staff performance is critical to an institution's overall effectiveness in achieving its strategic goals. The ability and motivation of employees determine their production (Ek, K. and Mukuru, E., 2013). (Vnouková, L., and Klupakova, H., 2013) Motivation is the most important technique for decreasing employee turnover in firms, and it is the backbone of human resource management.

    1. I agree with you Sampath, According to Truss et al (2006: ix) stated that: ‘Put simply, engagement means feeling positive about your job.’ They went on to explain that: ‘The engaged employee is the passionate employee, the employee who is totally immersed in his or her work, energetic, committed and completely dedicated’ (ibid: 1).

  12. Agreed with your comment. ‘High level of job satisfaction is directly related to positive behavior on the job, specifically to higher performance, low turnover and low absenteeism.’(Shalts & Shalts, 2016). Therefore in present competitive environment it is important for organizations to keep their employees motivated by offering both financial as well as non-financial benefits. Because it will directly lead organization to achieve its goals in a smooth way.

    1. Well discussed Roshini, According to Richman (2006 ), recent studies have shown that high employee engagement translates into increased discretionary effort, increased productivity and lower employee turnover, as well as increased customer satisfaction and loyalty, profitability and corporate shareholder value.

  13. Agreed, according to Osabiya, 2015, in order to attain success, employees should be motivated enough to use their talents and abilities to the maximum level and perform in the right manner.

    1. I agree with you Jayashi, According to the CIPD (2012: 13): ‘Engagement has become for practitioners an umbrella concept for capturing the various means by which employers can elicit additional or discretionary effort from employees – a willingness on the part of staff to work beyond contract.

  14. Totally agree with your statements. In simply "if an employee feels good in the company, surely they will take care of customers of the organization” (Achim et al., 2013, p 691).

  15. One of the greatest challenges organizations face today is how to manage turnover of work force that may be caused by migration of a lot of industrial workers. This may be because of their lack of Motivation and commitment for the organization; this point of view emphasizes the importance of the study of Motivation and its relationship to Job Satisfaction (Singh & Vivek Tiwari, 2011).

  16. According to (Haque & Islam, 2014) motivation is very important for the organizations to know and understand why employees behave differently at workplace and how to handle their behavior so that they do their best efforts to achieve organizational goals and objectives.

  17. Agreed with your view, in addition Many businesses have found a need to align human capital factors with attainment of strategic goals in a way to maximize employee contributions and skills so as to put the business into a better competitive position. This is often accomplished with performance management (PM), which is a systematic process that involves employees, managers and groups so as to improve total organizational effectiveness and productivity to successfully attain goals and satisfy the organization's primary mission. Ensuring that goals are effectively met, an in an efficient capacity, underpins the performance management process (Daniels and Bailey 2014)


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