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5) Keep Your Employees Motivated

Judge and Robbins (2008) Motivation is defined as a process that reflects an individual's strength, direction, and effort in achieving their objectives. It is also said that there are three key components in the definition: direction, intensity, and persistence. Intensity refers to a person's own effort and how hard he or she strives. When we talk about motivation, most of us focus on one aspect. High intensity, on the other hand, will not provide strong job performance outcomes unless you focus your energy in one direction: it will help the organization. Motivation is a measure of a person's ability to continue effort for a lengthy period of time. Geomani (2012) thinks that motivation is critical for every organization's success, and that in order to accomplish so, managers must effectively encourage their employees.

Video 2 : Stop Trying to Motivate Your Employees | Kerry Goyette

Source: (TEDx Talks, 2016)

Kerry vividly illustrates people's misunderstanding that they can encourage their staff since they are already motivated in the video above. The essential thing is to get their motivation flowing. Kerry Goyette, the founder of Aperio Consulting Group, delves deeper into motivation, how to harness it, and counterproductive motivation, which can keep us from achieving our goals.

Figure 4:  Herzberg's two-factor mode

(Source: Armache, 2014)

According to the figure above, Herzberg presented a more widely accepted motivation theory. Herzberg believes that certain circumstances or hygiene elements must exist in order for employees to be pleased, but that these qualities are not an inevitability.

If an employee's work pays less than the minimum wage, he or she is unlikely to stay motivated until a more fair compensation is offered. Even if the employees' health is in good shape, Herzberg argues that pay raises will not provide long-term incentive (Armache, 2014).

Video 3: Motivating Employees in Management

The above video covers the techniques of inspiring employees and explains that motivation refers to a person's internal or external factors that inspire people's passion and tenacity in pursuing a certain task. Employee excitement might have a negative impact on productivity. Part of a manager's responsibility is to instill optimism in the pursuit of corporate objectives.


Armache, J., 2014. Ways and Means To Keep Employees Motivated, Productive, and Loyal. Leadership & Organizational Management Journal, 2014(2).[online].[Accessed on 31 July 2021].

Geomani, (2012), Impact of Motivation on Employee Job Performance, 46 P,  [Accessed 31 July 2021].

Gregg Learning (2018) Motivating Employees in Management [online]. Available at: <>. [Accessed on 31 July 2021].

Institute for Employment Studies (2018) Report Summary: The drivers of employee engagement. [online]. Available at <>.[Accessed on the 31 July 2021].

Robbins, S. P. and Judge, T. (2008), Organizational Behavior, 13th edition Samad, S. (200


  1. Hi Nadee, As you correctly stated, Herzbergs Two Factor Theory is an efficient theory which has made it simple for managers to create an environment which can boost performance by the application of motivation (Jannica, 2017). The theory insists the prime need of hygiene factors to eliminate dissatisfaction and retain employees. And then subsequently stimulate the performance by adding the motivation factors (Mohammed et al, 2014) which would propel organization to higher level achievements.

    1. Hi Chathuranga, Thank you for your valuable addition with regard to Herzbergs Two Factor Theory, I would like to add that the motivational-hygiene model states that employee motivation is achieved when employees are faced with challenging but enjoyable work where one can achieve, grow, and demonstrate responsibility and advance in the organisation. That is, when the employees’ efforts are recognized, it brings about job satisfaction and motivation (Kwasi, 2011).

  2. Briefly explain about the employee engagement but according to the CIPD (2012: 13): ‘Engagement has become for practitioners an umbrella concept for capturing the various means by which employers can elicit additional or discretionary effort from employees – a willingness on the part of staff to work beyond contract.

    1. Yes Danushka, As you mentioned Engaging will encouraging people to identify themselves with and act upon the core values of the organization and willingly contribute to the achievement of organizational goals. Developing a climate of cooperation and trust; clarifying the psychological contract (Armstrong, 2011).

  3. Yes, it is essential to keep employees in motivated status for a long run of the organization in the competitor market. While managing people even, manager has to motivate employees in adequate manner (Geomani, 2012). Once considering internal factors power, achievement and affiliation is considered and as external factors decisive, work conditions, wages and salaries have to be considered. Other than that, DICS Model (Decisive, Influence, Steady, Complaint) also in practice (Edlund & Nilsson, 2007).

    1. Agreed & Further, Employee engagement has emerged as one of the greatest challenges in today’s workplace. With complexities and stringent regulations in many organizations, employee engagement will continue to challenge organizations in the future (Mishra, Boynton, & Mishra, 2014).

  4. Agreed, Further, Gomathi (2017) has been identified that there is a relationship between the Maslow’s needs hierarchy and Herzberg’s two factor theory. The first 3 needs in Maslow’s hierarchy: Physiological, Safety & Social needs can be considered as hygiene factors since they can be dissatisfied the employees if unable to meet their requirements. Esteem & self-actualization which are at the top of the Maslow’s needs hierarchy, can be considered as motivative factors because they can help to achieve the employees’ individual goals & recognitions.

    1. Thank you Nuwan, I agree with what you stated also according to Macey et al (2009: 7) who defined engagement as ‘an individual’s purpose and focused energy, evident to others in the display of personal initiative, adaptability, effort and persistence directed towards organizational goals’.

  5. Herzberg’s two-factor theory also can be called the Motivation-hygiene theory. Famous scholars explore that there are two different factors but mainly influence employee satisfaction is motivations theory (Alshmemri, Shahwan-Akl and Maude, 2017).

    1. Dear Amila, I agree with you as you've stated that Employee satisfaction is critical to the success of any business , according to Artz (2010) Higher levels of worker job satisfaction, potentially resulting to employee engagement, have been linked to important productivity measures such as lower quit rates and absenteeism.

  6. Thank you Nimna, Also this aspect challenges management because engagement is a critical element in maintaining the organization’s vitality, survival, and profitability. Organizations that have highly engaged employees have greater profits than those that do not. Organizations with highly engaged employees experience increased customer satisfaction, profits, and employee productivity (Ahmetoglu, Harding, Akhtar, & Chamorro-Premuzic, 2015; Carter, 2015; CooperThomas et al., 2014; Vandenabeele, 2014).

  7. According to Lindsay M. and Neel D. (2020) organization should give freedom to experiment and solve problems in their roles leads to higher motivation.

  8. According to the Maslow, (1987) below are 7 keys keep employee motivated,

    1.Provide supportive leadership: One of the most important variables in employee engagement is leadership.

    2.Individual empowerment: Every employee needs to know that he or she is recognised as a unique individual.

    3.Create a positive work environment: Because many working professionals spend the bulk of their waking hours at work, the workplace should be a place where they feel at ease...

    4. Encourage collaboration: Nothing keeps a person focused and responsive like belonging to a team, whether it's on the soccer field, the battlefield, or the boardroom.

    5. Recognize and applaud: Remember that the carrot, not the stick, is the most effective way to motivate your employees.

    6.Knock out boredom

    7.Eliminate dissatisfaction

  9. yes, it is important to keep the employees in a motivated mode. Jobber & Lee stated in 2014 that a low-motivated workforce is costly since it causes a company's productivity and performance to suffer. They discovered that a lack of motivation is represented by rising personnel turnover, frequent absenteeism, increased costs, and a poor impact on coworker morale (Ochola, 2018).

  10. Tella, et al., 2007 stated that there is no doubt in highly motivated employees perform more than employees less or no motivation which will lead to efficiency and productivity. Further according to Lawler, 2003, such performance can be only achieved through employee enjoyment in their work. Hence keeping the employee will definitely keep the organization performance increased.


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