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1) Introduction to Employee Motivation

Introduction to Employee Motivation: A Key to Success

Connectivity and safe transportation may be achieved by improving rural road infrastructure. It also has an impact on health, education, and employment possibilities. Worldwide, almost 1 billion people have limited access to transportation infrastructure (world Bank, 2021). This restricts their mobility as well as their possibilities for development benefits, with the most disadvantaged populations bearing the brunt of the consequences (Yeran Sun, 2020). The key to rural development is to improve rural infrastructure, particularly roads, It is a critical component of poverty reduction because it provides a safe, cheap, convenient, and long-term transportation system for people who need it most (Chris, 2001).

Rural connectivity also creates employment opportunities, which is an important part of the COVID-19 scenario, which has seen a large-scale shift from urban to rural regions (world Bank, 2021). These local employment possibilities provide a much-needed safety net to help people get out of poverty (Yeran Sun, 2020).

Through the concept of Globalization, the current era of Artificial Intelligence has resulted in rapid expansion in the global economy, resulting in strong rivalry among firms across borders (Peter Dauvergne, 2021). Apart from striving via rivalry, every firm strives to win the competition, with resources shared among them (Arshna, 2007). Saloni & Ramesh (2012) explain how a company's 'Competitive Advantage' is aided by its key resource of 'Human Capital,' whereas DeFillippi & Arthur (1994) emphasize the manpower's unique ability to apply a sensible competency of 'Knowing-How,' with regard to the knowledge, skills, technology, and abilities that are relevant to the business context. Even if it helps in many other ways, the other resources fail to comply with this particular trait. Sarah et al. (2007) stated that human capital has an economic value based on the collective competencies they possess, because they have a diverse set of skills and competencies as a result of their gender, age group, native, culture, and religious norms, making them unique, rare, and irreplaceable. According to Manzoor (2012), being acknowledged as an asset isn't enough. The author further said that any employer, regardless of the business kind, size, or capacity, expects a productive performance as well as good employee engagement from their employees in order to be truly considered a crucial asset.

This is when Employee Motivation enters the picture. Many authors have contributed their interpretations of motivation, Osabiya (2015) defines motivation as a psychological driving factor that enables a behavioral change within personnel, resulting in Individuals performing at their optimum capacity to bring out the best version of themselves in the interest of satisfying their need. Motivation offers endurance with the state of mind to go on and achieve any goals, regardless of any obstacles in the road, according to Amit (2017), who adds weight to Osabiya's idea. “A thousand-mile journey begins with a single step.” According to the saying, an organization's success begins with the smallest of details at the lowest level.

According to Saloni & Ramesh (2012), competitive advantage will set the company apart from the competition, propelling it to success via manpower and employee motivation. According to Ovidiu (2013), each employee has a unique set of strengths and needs. As a result, managers play a critical role in identifying what an employee excels at and what he or she requires in order to keep him on track toward the goal with satisfactory employee performance while remaining positively engaged with the organization (Faisal et al, 2017). Mazoor (2012) further said that it is the responsibility of leaders to develop a workforce that allows for a win-win situation. This concludes that leaders, beginning with small units and tight employee relationships, have a significant role to play in shaping people with suitable Motivation Factors.

Many studies and research have shown that employees' performance levels remain static as a result of job unhappiness and a high-stress working environment, which is mostly driven by a lack of motivation. According to Sharaeva & Liu's (2019) research, 77 percent of Russian employees do not provide their best effort owing to a lack of motivation that prevents them from realizing their true potential. Susan and Keri (2013) found that just 30% of American employees were engaged, while the remaining 70% did not contribute their potential, signaling a slowdown in the US economy from 2010 to 2012. The author also criticized each firm for failing to maintain an appropriate bottom-line motivating responsibility, which he claimed had a negative impact on the economy.

When it comes to motivation at the Road Development Authority, it is unevenly distributed from the lowest line workers to the top-level management personnel, and it ranges from expressway workers to employees involved in building and upgrading roads. According to Mahalakshmi & Franklin (2015), employees of the Road Development Authority are dissatisfied with their jobs due to a lack of and unequal distribution of motivating factors. As a member of a comparable sector, I believe that a motivation plan should be established for the company after a thorough examination of the motivating elements at various levels of employment, as well as a fair comparison of actions performed in other companies in the same sector. As a member of a comparable sector, I believe that a motivation plan should be established for the company after a thorough examination of the motivating elements at various levels of employment, as well as a fair comparison of actions performed in other companies in the same sector. This would result in good staff engagement and job satisfaction, assuring the business's success and driving it to the next level.

Motivation is a broad topic that we will cover in more detail in subsequent blogs. In future blogs, we'll go through the importance of motivation, elements impacting motivation, theories used, and the results of correctly implemented motivation.


1. Amit, S. (2017) EMPLOYEE MOTIVATION: A STUDY ON MODERN WORKPLACE MOTIVATION.  International Journal OF Engineering Sciences &Management Research, 4(4), pp. 68 – 77. 

2. Aviad, P. A. (2016) Human Resource-based Competitive Advantage: The Case of Motivational Rents. Journal of Entrepreneurship & Organization Management,5(1), pp. 01-08.

3. DeFillippi, R. J. & Arthur, M.B. (1994) The boundaryless career: a competency-based perspective. The boundaryless career: a competency-based perspective, 15(4), pp.307 – 323.

4. Faisal, N. A., Husam, A., Faiz, S. and Dia, Z. (2017) The Impact of Employee Motivation on Organizational Commitment. European Journal of Business and Management, 9(15), pp. 134 – 145.


6. Manzoor, Q. (2012) Impact of Employees Motivation on Organizational Effectiveness. Business Management and Strategy, 3(1), pp. 01 – 12.

7. Osabiya, B. J. (2015) The effect of employees’ motivation on organizational performance. Journal of Public Administration and Policy Research, 7(4), pp. 62 – 75.

8. Ovidiu, I. D. (2013) Employee motivation and organizational performance. Review of Applied Socio- Economic Research, 5(1), pp. 53 – 60.

9. Saloni, P. & Ramesh, C.D. (2012) Achieving competitive Advantage through HR practices: A case study. Journal of Strategic Human Resource Management,1(2), pp.35 – 43.

10. Sarah, M. A., Lea, W., Jon. P. B. and Douglas, T.H. (2007) Employability during Unemployment: Adaptability, career identity and human and social capital. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 71(2), pp.247 – 264.

11. Sharaeva, E. & Liu, Z.C. (2019) A Study on the relationship between employee motivation and work performance. IOSR Journal of Business and Management, 21(3), pp. 59 – 68.

12. Susan, S. & Keri, G. (2013) How to Tackle U.S. Employees' Stagnating Engagement.  Gallup.Analytics & Advice about Everything that Matters [Online].Available at: <> .[Accessed on 24th July 2021].

Peter Dauvergne (2021) The globalization of artificial intelligence: consequences for the politics of environmentalism, Globalizations, 18:2, 285-299, DOI: 10.1080/14747731.2020.1785670

Yeran Sun Piyushimita (Vonu) Thakuriah. (2020) Public transport availability inequalities and transport poverty risk across England. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science 51, 239980832199153.



  1. Hi Nadee, agree with you. The most vital assets of organizations are employees and they are considered as the engine of any organization (Mohsen et al., 2004). The motivation is a psychological process, along with personality, attitudes, perception, and Learning and also is a very important element of behavior (Tella et al., 2007). As a result of motivation, individual stimulates to taking an action on their own, which will result in the attainment of some goals, or satisfaction of certain psychological (Georgeb and sabapathy 2011). After considering all facts of motivation, it is obvious, that motivation is very significant in the achievement of every organization’s growth (Geomani, 2012).

    1. Thank you for commenting Chathuranga and a part from that according to Manzoor (2012). Several organizations believe that the employees are its main asset and they will lead to organizational growth. For this the reason, management has to implement different motivation factors to increase productivity (Dugguh, 2014). That’s why the several kind of motivational theories and strategies comes to the corporate market. These cultural aspects of the workplace make an excellent morale raising investment in the staff and the business and strive to maintain an enjoyable, family-orientated atmosphere in which all employees focus on achieving team goals (Yousaf,, 2014).

  2. Agreed with above views Nadeeka and further, According to Robinson (2006), employee engagement can be achieved through the creation of an organizational environment where positive emotions such as involvement and pride are encouraged, resulting in improved organizational performance, lower employee turnover and better health.

    1. Thank you for commenting and a part from that according to Manzoor (2012). Several organizations believe that the employees are its main asset and they will lead to organizational growth. For this the reason, management has to implement different motivation factors to increase productivity (Dugguh, 2014). That’s why the several kind of motivational theories and strategies comes to the corporate market. These cultural aspects of the workplace make an excellent morale raising investment in the staff and the business and strive to maintain an enjoyable, family-orientated atmosphere in which all employees focus on achieving team goals (Yousaf,, 2014).

  3. Well described about employee engagements and according to Robinson et al., (2004), Employee engagement is a term which is used to refer the strength of emotional and mental connection of employees towards the work and job.

    1. Agree with you Sumeera, as Whittington and Galpin (2010) suggested organizations must create work environments that provide a sense of challenge and meaningfulness for employees.

  4. Totally agreed with the content. As per the HR perspective the proper employee motivation can be considered as philosophical management problem and also Yerkes-Dodson’s law says that performance grow though employee motivation (Balan et al, 2013). Since the road development authority is under construction sector and motivation of construction sector employees can be covered under 5 themes namely- motivation models, environment & culture, incentive & empowering and worker management (Brag et al, 2014)

    1. I agreed with you Thushari also an in addition of that Employee engagement is the emotional commitment the employee has to addict the organization and its goals. This emotional commitment means engaged employees highly care about their work and the goals their company. This emotional commitment means engaged employees actually care about their work and their company. They don't work just for a paycheck, or just for the next promotion, but work on behalf of the organization's goals. But. Employee engagement does not mean the employee happiness of working or the employee satisfaction levels of working. Someone might be happy or satisfying at work, but that doesn't necessarily mean they are working hard, productively accurate on behalf of the organization ( Macey and Schneider,2008).

  5. Yes, I agree with the discussion you have made. When employees' vital needs come across, they become satisfied and motivated, and organizations try to motivate their employees to be ready for work. Motive employees to be successful in the workplace (Teshome, 2018).

    1. As you correctly stated Amila, Employee Engagement plays a huge role in any Organization. According to many researches, it’s been evident that the engaged employees are much more innovative and also there’s a significant connection between innovative work behavior and employee engagement. Moreover, mentioned that employees who are engaged come up with innovative solutions for the problems that they identify in the workplace (Spiegelaere et al.,2014).

  6. Agreed. Further, motivation is a driving force that makes eagerly take positive or negative action as they have the inclination and ambition to achieve a specific goal. (E., & Harmon-Jones, C. 2010)

    1. Correct Nuwan, Also Engaged employees are more loyal and contributes more to the organization and these employees will not voluntarily leave the organization (William and Benjamin, 2008).

  7. Agreed. The notion of virtue ethics emphasizes individual character as the key element of ethical thinking, which may in turn affect individual actions. There is, however, a lack of attention to this aspect in mainstream theories and practices of motivation in organizations (Naeem, R. and Syed, J , 2019),

    1. Hi CHandana, I agree with what you stated but according to Alfes et al (2010: 2) asserted that engaged employees perform better, are more innovative than others, are more likely to want to stay with their employers, enjoy greater levels of personal well-being and perceive their workload to be more sustainable than others.

  8. Agreed. As per Rutherford (1990), motivation lead to organizational success since provoked employees are constantly looking for improved practices to do a work, so it is essential for organizations to persuade motivation of their employees (Kalimullah et al, 2010).
    Influencing employees to provide their maximum even during hard times is one of the challenges that can be overcome through motivation.

    1. Hi Jayashi Silva, as you mentioned Employee Engagement is important as it will reflect on higher productivity and lower employee turnover. Also when employees are Engaged, they stand up for their company as they are proud to be a part of the organization. Also employees will find solutions to problems and create ideas to improve the productivity of the organization (Allen, 2014).

  9. Agreed with you. Further, because it is related to multiple rewards at work, motivation is considered a crucial driver of performance (Pinder 2008). Employees that are motivated are more involved in their work (Rich 2006), perform better (Cerasoli et al. 2014), and benefit more from occupational training (Massenberg et al. 2015). They are also more dedicated to their jobs, work longer hours, set more difficult goals to reach (Becker et al. 2015), and are more willing to share their knowledge at work (Lin2007).

    1. Agreed with you Menupa, Employee motivation at work is regarded as an essential drive as it generates effort and action towards work-related activities, such as the willingness of the employee to spend the energy to achieve a common goal or recompense. A motivated employee shows enthusiasm for the work and a strong determination to carry out and perform the tasks (Moran 2013).

  10. While I agree with your statement, I'd want to add motivational variables to the mix. These include hygiene and motivational considerations. If hygiene variables are not present, an employee will work less. Employees will be motivated to work harder if they are provided with motivating stimuli. According to Ganta V.C. (2014), motivation is divided into two types: extrinsic and intrinsic motivation.

    1. Agreed Sampath, According to Crawford et al (2013) able to do anything about engagement it is necessary to understand the factors that affect this – its antecedents and drivers

  11. 1. Agreed with what you stated. Motivation is a significant factor that urges people to give their best execution and help in arriving at big business objectives. (Jain , A. et al., 2019)’’. With higher level of motivation it is obvious that the organization can achieve better employee engagement and finally it will lead to achieve organizations stated goals in a positive work environment.

    1. Thanks for your valuable feedback Roshini, as you mentioned emotional agility and resilience give leaders the edge they need to quickly pivot during stressful situations and this helps employees to feel more empowered to conquer the world. Also a clear team building activities, good communication policies, reward schemes and engagement activities to build the culture of the organization would allow to enhance the employee engagement (Shmailan, 2015).

  12. Totally agreed with your arguments. A motivational program focuses on the optimal use of the available workforce to meet company goals and, at the same time, on knowing and developing the personality of the employee by way of employees psychologically and economically (Lorincová et al., 2019).

    1. Yes Iresha, Anaele (2013) demonstrated that that employees’ motivation enhances performance, also employees’ training, promotion, improvement in salary and work environment was found to be positively related to performance.

  13. Agreed. High-performing organizations have healthy and engaged employees. Their work environments are designed to enable the development and utilization of the “people capacity” required for success (Lowe 2010).

    1. Yes Khalid, Organizations today have realized the importance of motivated and ‬satisfied ‭ ‬employees ‭ ‬as ‭ ‬important ‭ ‬contributors ‭ ‬towards ‭ ‬long ‭ ‬term ‭ ‬objectives (Achula, 2009).

  14. Agreed, also motivation is a way of creating high level of enthusiasm to employees in order to reach organizational goals, and this situation is accommodated by satisfying some individual need. Basically, motivation refers to achieving organizational main goals by satisfying individual employee’s needs or demand (Haque 2014)

    1. Yes Agree. As per Anand (2010) Motivation is an important stimulation which directs human behavior. No individual has same attitude or behavior, hence in midst of this diversity organization are supposed to frame practices which will be able to satisfy the group and not just an individual (Lussier & Achua, 2007).

  15. Parashar (2016) attests that maintaining employee motivation as a major problem face by organizations, but as an essential component that connects the employees and the organizational objectives which result to retain employees within the organization.

    1. Yes Samuddhi, Motivation also positively influences performance at individual and group level ultimately affecting the organizational performance (‭Risambessy et al 2012)‬.

  16. Agreed with your view, in addition The four most important indicators are factors that are somewhat amenable to change. For example, increasing training opportunities, improving the physical working conditions and environment through improved physical structures, equipment, and materials, may help improve these important working conditions. Other highly discordant factors (greater than 40% discordance) included opportunity to advance, good employment benefits, time for family life, good income, and being based in a good location (Peters et al, 2010).

    1. Yes Gajendra , As per Caroline (2007) factors that influence employee motivation are achievements, recognition, work itself, responsibility and advancement, salary structure, the level to which the employees feel appreciated, and the employee perception of their jobs among other factors. The study also found that motivation of employee’s impacts on the employee performance in the organization which performs a psychological function as well as an instrumental function for the organization.


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